
Are you interested in doing a thesis or an industrial internship in Computer Vision?

Typically twice a year (September-February) we present our thesis proposals and you can apply to one of the available thesis. If you want to be updated on the very latest opportunities, just drop an email and let’s set up a meeting!
You can visit our Thesis-Hall-of-Fame to get an idea of our past theses.

Are already enrolled in one of our theses? Have a look at the Thesis-How-To page!

Thesis topics include

  • 3D vision: 3D reconstruction, camera localization, calibration, Nerf…
  • Model fitting: robust estimation, primitive decomposition, motion segmentation, scan2bim, template matching…
  • Pattern Recognition: clustering, anomaly detection, explainability…
  • Quantum Computer Vision
A demo from the thesis of F. Azzoni to auto-calibrate a wide-angle camera (AR video before the and after the autocalibration).

You can have a look at the thesis I supervised to get an idea of the topics I worked on.

Thesis supervised

  • Andrea Bonatti, Liquid Lens Calibration. MSc in Computer Science and Engineering. July 2024, PoliMi.
  • Barini Matteo, Image rectification with a known template. MSc in Mathematical Engineering. March 2024, PoliMi.
  • Simone Colombara, Computing correspondences for Partial Shape Matching via Functional Maps. MSc in Mathematical Engineering. December 2023, PoliMi.
  • Francesco Azzoni, Deep Monocular Autocalibration of Radially Symmetric Wide-Angle Cameras. MSc in Computer Science and Engineering. October 2023, PoliMi.
  • Leonardo Perelli, Trifocal Tensor Estimation for n-view Deep Structure-from-Motion. MSc in Mathematical Engineering. October 2022, PoliMi.
  • Lucia Gioria, Improving Explainable Clustering via Probabilistic Modeling. MSc in Mathematical Engineering. October 2022, PoliMi.
  • Valentina Sgarbossa, Visual Localization in presence of match scarcity. MSc in Mathematical Engineering. October 2022, PoliMi.
  • Danilo Catone, Anomaly detection via learned models and preference analysis. MSc in Computer Science and Engineering. October 2022, PoliMi.
  • Giuseppe Bertolini, Towards a practical, fully automated joint calibration pipeline for X-Ray-RGB medical imaging systems. MSc in Computer Science and Engineering. April 2022. PoliMi.
  • Filippo Galli, Camera Pose Estimation for planar configurations. MSc in GeoInformatics. April 2022. PoliMi.
  • Enrico Ruggiano, Detezione di Linee in Immagini Distorte tramite Analisi delle Preferenze, MSc in Computer Science and Engineering. April 2022. PoliMi.
  • Diana Isaeva, Robust homography estimation for image matching. MSc in Mathematical Engineering. December 2021, PoliMi.
  • Andrea Porfiri Dal Cin, Synchronization on Group-labelled Multigraphs. MSc in Computer Science and Engineering. April 2021, PoliMi.
  • Antonino Maria Rizzo , Semantic aware Sampling for Robust Multi-model Fitting. MSc in Computer Science and Engineering. April 2021, PoliMi.
  • William Bonvini, Unsupervised Learning for Multi-Model Consensus Maximization. MSc in Computer Science and Engineering. April 2021, PoliMi.
  • Simone Francavilla, Image Mosaicing: An approach based on Synchronization and Game Theory. MSc in Computer Science and Engineering. April 2021, PoliMi.